CBSE Affiliation No:- 1730439
   School Code:- 10784
  U-Dise Code:- 08020322205
Chairman Message

Chairman Message

Education is the key to create a society that is dynamic, progressive, and productive and provides equal and fair opportunities for the growth to all. Education unlocks the treasure and talents that lie within us and equips that society with indispensable human resource, essential for its advancement.

The foundation of Shanti Niketan Public School has been laid with a mission to provide a right kind of platform for your children to get the right mix of education in order to prepare themselves to meet the challenge of life. I assure you that in SNPS, your child will get a wide awareness towards the universe. At SNPS, it is our endeavor to develop our students in to happy, healthy, responsible and proud contributing citizens of our great nation, inspired by the mighty vision of transforming India into a developed Country.